. CAESIM 2024 - Electronics

A D V A N C E D   C O M P U T E R - A I D E D   E N G I N E E R I N G   S O L U T I O N S

H A V E   a   Q U E S T I O N ?

E X P L O R E     U N L I M I T E D   S I M U L A T I O N   P O S S I B I L I T I E S !

C O M P U T E R - A I D E D   E N G I N E E R I N G   S I M U L A T IO N   P L A T F O R M

F L U I D   F L O W,   H E A T   T R A N S F E R,   A N D   M U L T I - P H Y S I C S


As the electronics industry tends to put more components into a smaller space, thermal management has become one of the key factors in designing the new generation of computers and many other electronic devices. Computational fluid dynamics simulations can help optimize cooling system design, thereby increasing components lifetimes and minimizing the possibility of hardware errors.

CAESIM has been used for simulating air flow and heat transfer of electronic systems including: heat sinks, individual components, multi-chip modules, and computer boards. As electronics are put into a smaller spaces, thermal management becomes a key factor in designing the new generation of computers.

Electronics Applications

Thermal Analysis - Magnetic Assembly

CAE has been utilized to simulate conductive and convective heat transfer for a magnetic assembly configuration.  The magnetic assembly is comprised of many components made of aluminum, copper, ferrite, and paper.  Volumetric heat sources are added for the heat generating assembly components.

Heat Load - Filter Device

CAE has been utilized to simulate a filter device with various heat loads (e.g., 0.25 W).  An external heat load is applied, and a bi-conjugate linear equation solver is used to obtain fast solution convergence to steady-state conditions.

Computer Server Rooms

CAE simulations are widely used to evaluate/validate thermal conditions in computer server rooms.  Performance of computer rack system configurations with varying heat loads can be assessed quickly and accurately.

Electronics Simulations

Electronic Chips

Electronic diode conjugate heat transfer simulation


Arc Blast

Electronic breaker high pressure blast


Heat Sink

Pin-fin type heat sink conjugate heat transfer


Computer Chassis

Simulation of tower computer with components



Heat transfer simulation of capacitor


Computer Server Room

Transient simulation of several computer rack systems


Magnetic Assembly

Conjugate heat transfer of magnetic assmembly device


Multiple Heat Sinks

Conductive and convective heat transfer of multiple heat sinks


Heat Sink - Round Fins

Conjugate heat transfer of heat sink with round pins


Electronic Filter Device

Custom heat load simulation of electronic filter device


Additional Information




CAESIM STORM Flow Solver Benchmark




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